Background Information
Since 1991, Somalia’s long running conflicts have destroyed country’s Vital Asset including infrastructures, Livelihood, Economy, Government and Civilian facilities and destruction of lives. The Country’s Civilian Population is still in continued Displacements due to the periodic conflicts and the rapidly changing political situations in the county. The conflict have left the nation’s public and private administration weak and disfranchised governance and rule of law and consequent burden of massively destroyed chaotic national entities. These prolonged civil conflicts in Somalia have fostered a lost generation who has no experience of a kind of effective government and poor access to basic services particularly education, social services and employment opportunities. To respond to result of prolonged insecurity, droughts and recurrent famine and the increased lack of humanitarian support to victims in Somalia, HLDI was created by the Nation’s professionals living in the country and Diaspora to take up effective lead in provision of basic and vital humanitarian services, Provide recovery and reconstructive developments Projects, Advocate for human rights, Improve health and Livelihoods and offer Capacity Buildings with action needs assessment which is based on participatory approach by all the levels of the community on their priorities for the future through HLDI, thereby addressing and mitigating the effects of biting natural and man-made disasters and the socio-economic problems of people in these regions. Human Life Development Initiative after its formation November, 2010, as a non-governmental, non-profit making, non-political and non-sectoral organization has the intention of facilitating relief and development services from UN, INTL Aid agencies and other partners in supporting the improvement of the region’s despaired and collapsed governance, health care, education, social services and livelihood. The organization founders have the aim of mitigating the effects of drought, famine, poor livelihoods and end all circumstances of humanitarian crisis and sufferings while also accelerate positive change and development within the local culture and customary context. The name was given to the organization to represent the founding principles that guided its conception and represents the historical and geographical source for many marginalized communities and exemplifies the power, wisdom and persistence that we hope to instill in the target groups in the local community. Apart from the BOD, the organization has General Assembly (GA) which annually meets at Mogadishu (HQ), the capital city of Somalia for the approval of the organizational annual work plan and Development Plans. The main office carries out all administration issues regarding the program operations. HLDI is legally registered organization with the law of Somalia government established under NO.54 of Somalia Civil Law NO: 37 which issued on 2nd June, 1973. HLDI has access for all skilled and experienced professionals who have capacity and competency to involve all the desired activities that promotes the Goal and Objectives of the organization. The Management periodically review employee activities to appraise and provide needed gaps and capacity improvements trainings and continued on-job technical assistance to undertake individual and collective duties and responsibilities efficiently. HLDI engages both technical and professional consultants in providing services as Planning, Capacity Building, Engineering, Designing etc.


Enable communities in Somalia to become empowered by strengthening individuals to be effective agents of change to achieve immediate and lasting changes in their lives.


Establish a self-reliant and equitable society where everybody attains the right to survival, protection and participation.

Core Values

  • Equal Rights Opportunities
  • Equal Rights Opportunities.
  • Transparency and Accountability.
  • Honesty
  • Integrity to standards of excellence.
  • Quality of service
  • Spirit of innovation.
  • Respect Potentiality and dignity.